Legionella Risk Assessments

Legionella risk assessment

What is Legionella?

Legionellosis is the collective name given to the pneumonia-like illness caused by legionella bacteria. This includes the most serious legionnaires’ disease, as well as the similar but less serious conditions of Pontiac fever and Lochgoilhead fever. Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia and everyone is susceptible to infection. However, some people are at higher risk, including:
  • people over 45 years of age
  • smokers and heavy drinkers
  • people suffering from chronic respiratory or kidney disease
  • anyone with an impaired immune system

Legionella risk assessments

  1. Desktop Appraisal of documentation- Appraisal of current control scheme.
  2. Site Survey- Visual inspection of utilities, locations for possible source of contamination.
  3. Evaluation of the Risks.
  4. Reporting
  • RA report
  • Written scheme of control
  • Asset register
  • Schematics of water system
     Legionella Risk Assessment is a legal requirement under BS8580 and ACoP L8. It is a process of identifying and assessing risk of exposure to Legionella from work activities and from water systems and equipment.
The Risk Assessment must be reviewed and updated as and when there are changes.
Water systems with higher inherent risks or complex water services where changes are poorly documented may need to be reassessed frequently. Eg. Annually.

Legionella risk assessments and risk assessment reviews

Our Legionella Risk Assessments include identification and evaluation of all potential sources of risk associated with Legionella within your building’s water system. This includes:
  • A thorough inspection of water systems in the premises
  • Water temperatures taken from representative outlets and the readings measured against acceptable parameters
  • Identification of all pipe work configurations and water sources
  • Identification of potential hazards and associated risks
  • Control scheme recommendations against the potential hazards
  • Photography of all findings
  • Site schematic – in electronic format (Eg CAD/VISIO)
  • Discussion with the building’s Responsible Person on initial assessment findings
  • Access to your soft copy folder maintained in our website
  • Access to our online library
  • Free archiving of your documents for the next 5- 7 years (legal requirement)
Shelter Tech UK Ltd has developed Legionella Risk Assessments in accordance with BS8580 considering the guidelines and recommended practices issued by the UK Health & Safety Executive ACoP L8. A Legionella Risk Assessment will have a significant impact on reducing liability should any problems occur. The objective is to identify all water systems where Legionella bacteria could potentially grow and assess the risk of people being exposed to contaminated aerosols from them. All water systems need to be included in the Legionella Risk Assessment. The assessment must be carried out by trained personnel who are competent to do so. The ACoP says “a suitable and sufficient assessment is required to identify and assess the risk of exposure to Legionella bacteria from work activities and water systems on the premises and any necessary precautionary measures."

Download your free copy ACoP L8
Legionella Risk Assessment involves a trained assessor visiting your premises and making an objective assessment of the water system’s potential to be colonised by Legionella bacteria and the various factors favourable for their continued growth along with any work or other activity associated with the water system that may increase risk.

Following a site survey, our qualified and experienced risk assessor will produce a comprehensive report. The Legionella Risk Assessment report will identify any risks, appropriate control measures as well as any remedial action necessary to meet current standards and legal requirements. The report will also include a schematic drawing of your water system and a guide to complying with the Associated Code of Practice (ACoP L8) where appropriate.
This assessment should be reviewed at least every two years and where it may be deemed no longer valid. ACoP L8 gives the following reasons for reviewing this assessment:
  • Changes to the water system or its use
  • Changes to the use of the building in which the water system is installed
  • The availability of new information about risks or control measures
  • The results of checks indicating that the control measures are no longer effective
  • A case of Legionnaires’ disease / Legionellosis is associated with the system

How we work/ what we do

  • We work in strict accordance with current legislation & guidance
  • We use detailed, but easy to follow reporting systems
  • We have over many years’ experience in Legionella control
  • We use experienced, qualified and courteous risk assessors and have City and Guilds qualification
  • We fully explain your assessment findings and help you develop your Legionella control program
  • We provide a full range of Legionella monitoring services to help you control identified risks
  • We can provide onsite Legionella Awareness training for site personnel
  • We provide a cost effective and efficient service
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